
The Gathering offers a variety ways for people to participate and grow in their Christian walk. Services and conferences provide biblical teaching, fellowship and prayer/prophetic ministry. Guest speakers from around the US and world offer insights and revelation concerning the most current and pressing issues of the day. This is done both in-person and on-line. The local church provides many opportunities for involvement such as discipleship, men’s and women’s ministry, prophetic ministry, outreach opportunities, short term mission opportunities, children, youth and young adult ministries.


Baptism is not a magical experience but a spiritual encounter. The water is a point of contact where people are encountering Jesus and where lives and situations are changed by His presence.


Please contact the church office to schedule a time for your baptism.

Clothes and towels are provided

Why Should I be Baptized?


Public Testimony

First, a new believer who has turned from sin and has chosen to follow Jesus is baptized as a public testimony of their being forgiven and their conversion. This is Believer’s Baptism or a Baptism to Repentance. (Matt 3:6-8)


Identify with Jesus

Second, baptism in water, (immersion), is our identifying with Jesus who died and rose from the dead. Before salvation, we were dead in our sins but having received Him has been raised into a new life in Christ. (Rom 6:8)


Part of the Body of Christ

Third, baptism is the sign of our becoming part of the body of Christ of whom Jesus is Head. (Eph 4:4-6)


Baptism of Fire

Fourth, the bible refers to a baptism of fire. (Matt 3:11)


Cleansing of the Body

Fifth, as was the custom in Jesus’ day the Jews would often enter into a Mikveh (bath) for cleansing of the body. Jesus is coming again for a bride without spot or wrinkle. (Eph 5:27, Rev 19:7)


Releasing into Your Purpose

Sixth, in Matt 3:13-15 Jesus was baptized, not unto repentance because He never sinned, but into His purpose and destiny to fulfill all righteousness. In this hour God is drawing people into the baptismal waters including those who have been previously baptized releasing them into their purpose and calling as a son or daughter of God.

Moravian Lamp Stand 

Children’s Ministry 

Nursery is for ages birth to 4 years. The nursery is open anytime during service for parents to come with their children. A nursery worker is available after worship for parents to leave their children with.

Children’s Church is for ages 5-12 years. Children’s Church meets immediately after worship. Our desire is to introduce
all our little ones to Jesus Himself. We believe that one true encounter with Jesus will revolutionize their lives, changing them forever. We believe that our children are an essential part of the body of Christ and that they have something amazing to share with the rest of the body!

Youth Ministry

Meets every Monday 7:00 PM at the Welcome Center.

Youth Ministry is built around fellowship and relationship building with Christ and one another.