

Located in Moravian Falls, North Carolina. ( History of Moravian Falls )

We are a church partnered with MorningStar Ministries founded by Rick Joyner.

The Gathering in Moravian Falls is a local church with a heart and vision to be a part of a spiritual awakening and revival that begins with us and spreads to the nations. Our passion is to be a family connected to one another while increasingly growing closer and more connected to the Lord and His purposes for this pivotal hour in history.

At the heart of our vision is to go, send and support missions locally and abroad and to make and equip a generation of passionate radical disciples of Jesus Christ. Included in our vision is to be a place where worshippers can worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth and to faithfully proclaim the ‘Good News’ of the gospel to the ends of the earth.

These are days like no other in all of history, and the opportunities to get involved with what God is doing in the earth have never been greater. Every believer in Jesus has a mission to both discover and fulfill.


Dr. David & Pastor Shirley White

Missions Leadership

Pastor Jerry & Librada Jenkins

Associate Pastor

The Gathering Church | Our Ministry Team | Hospitality | Jill Falco

Terrie Powell


John Lyon

Properties Maintenance


Moravian Lamp Stand Prayer

 “Even them I will bring to My Holy Mountain, and make them joyful in My House of Prayer.”  Is. 56:7

Daily prayer watches

Children's Ministry Nursery

Deki Lang

Ages birth – 4 years. Nursery is open anytime during service. A nursery worker is available after worship for parents to leave their children with.

Children's Church

Becky Mueller

Ages 5 – 12 years. Meets immediately after worship. 

Ladies Ministry

Judy Hill

Every Friday 10AM – 12Noon @ Welcome Center

Men's Den

Jay Hill

2nd & 4th Mondays, 7:00 PM @ the church

Youth & Young Adult

Jed Schlatter

Meets every Saturday, 7:00 PM @ the Welcome Center. Youth and Young Adults Ministry is built around fellowship and relationship building with Christ and one another.


Mailing Address

Office hours

Mon-Thur 10:00am – 2:00pm


Email Administrator